

The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul.

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The law of the Lord is perfect,

refreshing the soul.


          Psalms 19:8




I abide by the requirements of home:

rituals of bathing, eating,

preparing for sleep,


milk lovingly poured,

an ear awakened,

the willingness to wait my turn.


What solace limits provide—


Six steps lead from the entrance of my house

to expectant ground.

Promise and need call me out.


Gravity compels my feet to fall

yet they lift again,

ever a miracle of service.


Without the simple demands

outlining each day,

I would waste bereft of reason


to rise,

no will to approach the door.

The threshold You set in place for me


allows me freedom to move.





Ms. Karen Jessee, OP 


-- By:  Ms. Karen Jessee, OP - - a member of the Dominican Laity, St. Mary Magdelene Group in Raleigh, NC.  She writes and teaches, living with her husband and children near Chapel Hill, North Carolina.


Face to Face Archive

Please click on a Title below for Karen's "Prayer Poems":
(The newest ones are listed first.)

• Everyday Vocation •
• A bruised reed •
• Liturgy of the Hours •
• The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. •
• Transparancy •
• Even at night •
• Oh God •
• Who shall climb the mountain of the Lord? •
• Certainty •
• Together let us •
• I kept it secret. •
• His will in their minds •
• Make my ears new •
• On the day I called •
• Let God arise •
• Though I have spoken •
• Show yourself perfect •
• Praise Is Fitting •
• Upright •
• Into the desert •
• He Stooped Down To Me •

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