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Poetic Responses to Psalms and Scripture


Everyday vocation


To shine, to gladden

To weep when I am maddened

At people’s malice towards each other—

These are the tasks of a prophet,

   Of a preacher.


We must learn to shine together,

To wash our hands at our kitchen sinks

   —remembering each other,

To sip our morning coffee slowly

   —blessing each other.


We must speak well of each other

   When we talk on the phone,

Reach out for equity

   In each and every email.


Yes, the lamp above your bed

Is a halo for you—

-- By:  Ms. Karen Jessee, OP - - a member of the Dominican Laity, St. Mary Magdelene Group in Raleigh, NC.  She writes and teaches, living with her husband and children near Chapel Hill, North Carolina.


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