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Poetic Responses to Psalms and Scripture

the Spirit drove him into the desert and he remained there. . .,

and was put to the test by Satan.


                             Mark 1:12-13

I'm thrust into deserts


by the broken cup,


the shrunken sweater,

the cherished table's water stain.


Perfection molts,

litters its ugly

outgrown skin

as evidence.


Am I really to blame?


The scar on my son's

silken cheek,

a playground wound,

still searing, red—


demands I look

at what could have been.


Flaws flower

in unrelenting sun.

Once I begin to complain,

I will never be done.



-- By:  Ms. Karen Jessee, OP - - a member of the Dominican Laity, St. Mary Magdelene Group in Raleigh, NC.  She writes and teaches, living with her husband and children near Chapel Hill, North Carolina.


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