


Please support
the mission of
the Dominican Friars.

LENT  Year A
1st Impressions CD's
Stories Seldom Heard
Faith Book
General Intercessions
Daily Reflections
Volume II
Come and See!
Homilías Dominicales
Palabras para Domingo
Catholic Women Preach
Homilias Breves
Daily Homilette
Daily Preaching
Face to Face
Book Reviews
Justice Preaching
Dominican Preaching
Preaching Essay
The Author

Shown below are additional links that may help you plan and prepare your Preaching, Liturgical Celebrations and prayers.


Dominican Vocations:  We are the Dominican friars, priests and brothers, of the Province of St. Martin de Porres and we are committed to preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the salvation of souls in the Southern United States.


Catholic moral theology preaching resource:  Weekly reflections on the Sunday readings from the perspective of ethics and moral theology by professors from colleges in the U.S. and Canada.


Liturgical Calendar - will take you to the USCCB Liturgical Calendar in a new window.  Or Click Here to download a PDF version of the 2021 Liturgical Calendar.  The PDF versions also show vestment colors.


Today's Readings - Updated daily, this link will give you today's readings from the approved USCCB Lectionary.


"Catholic Resources for Bible, Liturgy, Art, and Theology"

- Biblical and liturgical studies, intended for students, teachers, pastors and seekers assembled by Felix Just, SJ, Ph.D, at the Loyola Institute for Spirituality.


Catholic Women Preach - Catholic Women Preach provides a well-designed, resource rich and easily accessible website -- where all the faithful including clergy, catechists, RCIA, parish study groups, campus ministers, retreat leaders, and others in church ministry can:

  • See and hear preaching by well qualified and diverse women reflecting on lectionary texts for Sunday and selected weekday masses and possibly other biblical readings.

  • Inspire Catholics to appreciate the giftedness of Catholic women’s preaching.

  • Attract young adult Catholics who use social media and modern applications to find a rich, deep spirituality in these resources and to be inspired to find their way back into the liturgical life of the Church.

"The Text This Week."  - Has multiple resources for each Sunday of the Revised Common Lectionary. Many readings and reflections coincide with the Roman Catholic Lectionary.


The Latest First Impressions Commentary - This link will always give you the latest commentary on the Sunday scriptures by Fr. Jude.


The Word - Daily preachings (audio) from the Lectionary by Dominican women and men, lay and religious, from around the world.


Lectionary  Studies - Studies and sermons based on the Revised Common Lectionary.


Faith and Films - Movie reviews and commentary by Tom Condon, OP (Southern Dominican Province, USA)




Aquinas Institute - Offers a summer Preaching Institute, a Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry in Preaching, and a Doctor of Ministry in Preaching.


St. Louis University LogoSt. Louis University's Center for Liturgy - A rich resource for those preparing for Sunday liturgy.  Reflections on the readings, spirituality of the Eucharistic celebration, music suggestions, historical background, etc.







"Partners in Preaching."  - A national ministry for consultation, training and formation in liturgical preaching.


"Dominican High Schools Preaching Conference"  - An annual preaching conference in the Dominican tradition for teens.


Spanish Resources:


Homilías Dominicales - Spanish reflections on the Sunday readings.


Preaching Justice:


Bread for the World -


Vincentian Justice Page -


Justice for Immigrants: A Journey of Hope


Catholic Campaign to End the Use of the Death Penalty - Within this website, you will find everything you need to know about the Catholic Church’s involvement in ending the use of the death penalty.


Contact your representative:


In the House:

In the Senate:  

Write the President:




New American Bible Online


"Bible Gateway"  - Search multiple Bible versions in thirty languages. Also features audio readings of scripture and verse of the day.


Additional Dominican Resources:


First Impressions CD - Available now.  Each single yeAR CD costs $25 (which includes postage to any location in the world) and there are two ways to purchase.  Choices include: "Year A"; "Year B" and "Year C"; and all three Liturgical years on a single CD-ROM ($40).


Opreach - A Dominican blog about preaching and vocations and sisters and nuns.  ("Preach as if you had a million voices.  It is silence that kills the world." -- Katherine of Siena)


Click to visit Daily lectionary preachings and a monthly newsletter.


Drawn by Love - A resource for the mystical thought of Catherine of Siena.


USA Dominican Life Today - The Dominican Family News Portal.


Shown below are the pages on this website
that update daily & weekly.

Click on any one to view it.

• LENT •
• LENT  Year A •
• 1st Impressions CD's •
• Stories Seldom Heard •
• Faith Book •
• General Intercessions •
• Daily Reflections •
• Volume II •
• Come and See! •
• Homilías Dominicales •
• Palabras para Domingo •
• Catholic Women Preach •
• Homilias Breves •
• Daily Homilette •
• Daily Preaching •
• Face to Face •
• Announcements •
• Book Reviews •
• Justice Preaching •
• Dominican Preaching •
• Preaching Essay •
• Quotable •
• Archives •
• The Author •
• Resources •
• Donations •


And as always, "Blessings On Your Preaching".

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