Each week Dennis Keller is posting General Intercessions for the upcoming Sunday liturgies. He is a lay Dominican from the Raleigh/Durham area of North Carolina. He also provides weekly input for our feature Volume II. General Intercessions
Seventh Sunday of Ordered Time
Deacon/ Lector/ Cantor: Please respond: “Lord, Hear our prayer”
1. That Pope Francis, Bishop _______, clergy,
religious, lay leadership, and catechists teach us how to love our enemies and
how to love those who hate us, we pray...
2. That we gathered for worship are aware of God’s
abiding love despite our sins and failures to love others as God loves them, we
5. That professionals caring for the sick and
challenged be encouraged by our parish in their efforts benefiting those needing
help returning to active membership in our community, we pray...
Presider: Father, may your grace transform
us into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the gospel. May those seeds
transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos in the sure expectation
of a new heaven and a new earth. We ask this, Lord, of you in the community with
the Word and the Holy Spirit.
"Blessings on your preaching." (The latest are always listed first.)
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