

Oh God

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O God, do not stay far off:

my God, make haste to help me!


                              —Psalm 71:12




You?  Mine?

I don’t think so.


I’ll tell you what’s mine—

the shattered sunroom window,

my daughter with a flooding gash

across her foot and you

as far away as the hospital.


Concerned friends assure me

you hover nearby,

 palpable as steam.


My eight year-old son knows

when you come to his room

you’ll fly billowing

thick ribbons of black gauze.


I remind him, white.

But how do I know?


I’ll tell you what’s mine.


Whatever’s broken,

and my foot.


-- By:  Ms. Karen Jessee, OP - - a member of the Dominican Laity, St. Mary Magdelene Group in Raleigh, NC.  She writes and teaches, living with her husband and children near Chapel Hill, North Carolina.


Face to Face Archive

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(The newest ones are listed first.)

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