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I say this to all preachers:  Follow the pull of the Spirit to return to the Source, to God who made you and Christ who redeemed you.  Understand all of your imaginative work as an effort to  return to the Source.

Whatever our talent, if we listen in faith and in prayer, we can hear the Spirit sounding in our lives....

If we listen to (sighs of the Spirit), we will hear God calling us --calling us to love, calling us to compassion, calling us to justice. This is why it is foolish to contrast the life of action with the life of prayer, silence, imagination, art and music.  In listening to the sighs of the Spirit, we receive power to do what is good and just and right. And when preachers attend to the sighs of the Spirit, their words take on the quality of heaven's voice and their speaking awakens in the listeners an awareness of the Spirit sighing within them.


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