

Please support
the mission of
the Dominican Friars.


Deeply rooted in solid ground

of God’s enlivening Word,

nurtured by contemplation and prayer,

study, community,  listening

and responding to the Word.


Truth Bearer, fearless preacher,

Tireless Torch,

lighting the weary world

starved for meaning and hope,

dispelling myths, unmasking idols

of our day with Light of Truth.


Daring Dreamer

of a world winnowed of falsehood,

freed from weapons and war,

transformed by God’s healing touch,

birthing new life in dark and dreary places,

lighting the world with hope.

by Brenda Walsh, Racine Dominican

“How beautiful upon the mountain are the feet of the messengers who announce peace, and who bring Good News. Is. 52:7 


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