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I SEE EASTERING in blossoms of great beauty and Spring green shoots persistently  pushing through the once calloused ground after a long and harsh winter.


I SEE EASTERING as the deer skip around looking for food for their offspring and wanting to bring joy to those eagerly awaiting new signs of Spring.


I SEE EASTERING in the happy face of a hundred year old woman, who declared with great joy:  “I can hardly wait to see the smiling face of our loving and gracious God.”


I SEE EASTERING in the growing number of young people searching for hope and meaning and for ways to get involved  in mission work, to create a world of justice and peace, and to change the shape of things to come.


I SEE EASTERING  in the lives of people moving from tragedy to triumph ,  in places often ravaged by wars and destruction of many kinds, working to create a new world according to God’s design.


 I SEE EASTERING in stones rolled back, removing barriers of greed, prejudice, and power abused, enabling people to walk with dignity , and live their lives  with hope and meaning ,as people living in the power of our loving God.


Easter Blessings to all!       Sr. Brenda Walsh


Quotable Archive

Just click on a "Quotable" title below to read the review.
(The latest submissions are listed first.)

• Others Have Value In God's Eyes •
• The Trinity •
• The Season of Pentecost •
• Prayer for Peace •
• Pentecost •
• Second Synod of Orange •
• 7 Social Sins •
• The Homily •
• Resurrection •
• Sin Is Something that Changes... •
• AND THEN... •
• The Winter Journey of Advent •
• A Prayer For the World •
• Come Home •
• A New Psalm •
• A blessing for Preachers •
• Christmas In A Prison Cell •
• Compare Reading the Scriptures With Eating the Eucharist... •
• Eastering •
• For Me To Preach... •
• Formulas •
• I Am Disciple •
• Indeed Any Sermon... •
• Christ needs apostles •
• Jesus, Light of the World, Come •
• Lament For A Son •
• Lenten Penance •
• Litany of Non-Violence •
• Lovelight •
• Making the House Ready for the Lord •
• Money Order Angels •
• Ongoing Listening •
• On Jordan's Bank •
• Peace Prayer •
• Preacher •
• Preaching At Weddings •
• Preaching Is Dangerous •
• Preaching Has As Its Primary Purpose... •
• Seeds of Contemplation •
• The Homily Is Not... •
• The Difference Between Dead and Living Sermons •
• The Dominican Family •
• The Natural World •
• I'm Praying for Pentecost! •

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