General Intercessions
Thirty Third Sunday of Ordered
November 17, 2024
Presider: The God of love present in creation and in human faith
history has cared for and encouraged us to build up God’s Dominion on earth.
With confidence in God’s abiding presence, we present our needs and concerns
to the Lord.
Deacon/ Lector/ Cantor: Please respond: “Lord, hear our prayer.”
1. That patience and faith in the Lord’s
presence in history inspire Pope Francis, Bishop __________, clergy and
religious to work tirelessly to make God present to the faithful, we pray...
2. That the members of our parish commit to forming a vital and caring
community for its members, we pray...
3. That the results of our national election install governments of
peacefully and effectively women and men committed to the common good of the
nation, we pray...
4. That our community’s citizens who are victims of poverty and
discrimination are assisted in the achievement of hopes for education,
health care, affordable housing, and acceptance in parish communities, we
5. That physically and mentally ill persons be supported, encouraged, and
strengthened by accompaniment of parish communities, we pray...
6. That those elected to serve our cities, our counties, our state, and our
nation be granted by the Lord courage, energy, and moral fortitude to work
for the welfare of all citizens and aliens in our nation, we pray...
7. That diplomats and statespersons expend themselves for peace and
prosperity for all people and for the elimination of war and the weapons of
war, we pray...
8. That those who died this past week (list them here being careful to
pronounce names correctly and clearly) and those dying this week be welcomed
into the heavenly kingdom. That the intention of this Mass, (list here with
clear diction) __________ be in our prayers, we pray...
9. Let us add our personal intentions to our communal prayer: (pause) Let us
place these intentions on the altar with our gifts to the community, we
Presider: Father, you cherish your
creation and declared it good and very good. Look upon us to whom you
assigned the care and growth of the universe you created. Grant us the
courage, insight, and patience to work within you design and under your
influence trevealed by you Son, Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, now and forever.
Response: Amen.