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Each week Dennis Keller is posting General Intercessions for the upcoming Sunday liturgies.  He is a lay Dominican from the Raleigh/Durham area of North Carolina.  He also provides weekly input for our feature Volume II.

General Intercessions
“The Epiphany of the Lord”
January 5, 2025

Presider: Behold, the Lord, the mighty One, has come, and kingship is in his grasp, and power and dominion. With confidence let us offer God our petitions and concerns.

Deacon/ Lector/ Cantor: Please respond: “Lord, hear our prayer.”


1.That Pope Francis, Bishop Luis, clergy, religious, lay leadership, and catechists provide awareness of the presence of Jesus, our Lord to those to whom they minister, we pray...

2. That our parish make present the Lord, Jesus the Christ to one another in the way we greet and engage members of the parish assembly, we pray...

3. That the physical sick and mentally challenged be treated with kindness and loving care no matter their condition, their ethnicity, their race, language, of faith tradition, we pray...

4. That new year’s resolutions be taken seriously and have the support of family and friends. That plans for the New Year include awareness of those on the margins of society and especially those suffering in poverty, we pray...

5. That those whose careers are in service of others, clergy, religious, educators, first responders, military, and healers may flourish in their career choices in this New Year, we pray....

6. That parents rekindle love and support for their children, encouraging them to discern and to care about others and the environment, we pray...

7. That political organizations make service to the common good more important than power. That responsible budgetary decisions be directed to the common good of all citizens, we pray...

8. That those who have died this past year and those dying this week are welcomed into the heavenly kingdom by Jesus Christ, our brother. That the intention of this Mass, (list here) __________ is (are) remembered in our prayers at this Mass and during this week, we pray...

9. Let us add our personal intentions in silence: (pause) Let us place these intentions on the altar with our gifts to the community, we pray...


Presider: Father, Creator of all that is and Life-giving Spirit of all that has life. As we begin this new year sent us your Spirit to renew our hearts and minds by the presence of the ministry of your Son. Help us grow in awareness of the Presence of You in Creation, of the presence of your Son in the faithful gathered together, and in the Spirit’s advocacy and inspiration. We ask this as always in the name of the Son who lives and reigns with you, now and forever.

Response: Amen.


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  "Blessings on your preaching."

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