By Sr. Brenda Walsh, Racine Dominican
Some time
ago, I heard a presentation given by Fr. Bryan Massingale, Professor of Theology
at Marquette University. He left us with an awesome challenge to bring hope to
a broken and divided world Hope is the center of our lives. It is not just an
assurance that everything will go as we had hoped. It is the assurance that no
matter how things turn out, God can act through all the events and happenings in
our lives and they can be turned into new possibilities and opportunities for
life and growth. French poet, Charles Peguy, describes hope as “that little
earnest of a bud that appears in April.” We cannot see the fully-developed
flower but it is there in the making within the bud.
reminds me of a story Harvey Cox told about an American businessman who went to
Switzerland to enjoy his vacation. He decided to be adventurous and do some
mountain climbing. He found a reliable guide and the two set out to climb the
Matterhorn. The first day went well, without incident. At the end of the day,
the two settled in for a good night’s sleep.
At night,
the temperature drops sharply and ice forms on the glaciers. The early morning
sun melts the ice and makes a terrible noise as it tumbles down, as great masses
of ice crash against each other The American tourist was paralyzed with fear and
shouted at his guide, “Wake up, Wake up. The end of the world is here.” The
guide woke up and knew what was happening. He said to his companion: “Go back to
sleep. It is not the end of the world. It is the beginning of a new day.” Soon
they continued on their upward journey. The tourist did not let his fear get in
the way of reaching his destination.
When we
hear about many bad things happening around our world, it is a challenge to
visualize a place not plagued by war, a place where the hungry are fed, children
are protected and where resources are available to meet the needs of the poor
and deprived. We may feel like the tourist and only see the worst. It can be the
beginning of a new day with new possibilities. Hope is in the journey as well as
the destination. We have the assurance that our Loving God walks with us every
step of the way. Divine power is the source of our hope and strength to bring
it about over the long haul.
Massingale names the pain and agony around the world. The good news, he reminds
us, is that most of the problems were created by humans and can also be
corrected by humans. Impasse can be a gateway to new possibilities. It can
provide opportunities for new life and growth. Escaping the problems is not the
As people
of faith, we are obliged to enter the struggle and help create a world that is
just, peaceful, humane and respectful of all. We can get together to look at
the causes of the problems and then choose some ways we can do something to
create a world according to God’s design. This will include looking at the
social, political, economic and spiritual aspects of life, and planning our part
in the development of a response.
Our faith
empowers us, Fr. Massingale explains , to be the compassion of Christ and agents
of change, of healing and reconciliation in a broken and divided world. St. Paul
tells us to give the credit to God “whose power working in us, can help us do
infinitely more than we dare ask or imagine. May God be glorified at this time
and though future generations. “ Ephesians 1:3, 20-23)
There are
many places where we can see signs of hope, which we can name and share with
others. St. Paul says: ”I am willing to stand on trial for God’s promise of hope
for all people”. We can keep climbing together and know that it is not the end
of the world, but the beginning of a new day. God is the God of our journey and
not just our destination. Let us journey forward together in hope and work to
bring God’s light , hope, and peace to our broken world.
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Blessings on your preaching.