

Dominic's Daring Dream

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Dominic’s Daring Dream
by Sr. Brenda Walsh, Racine Dominican

Dominic dreamed a world freed from war and violence,

winnowed of greed and falsehood,

mirroring truth and goodness

in every sphere of life.

Dominic always preached in Spirit power,

caressed by compassion, love and mercy,

visioning many grace-filled followers,

men and women inspired by the Word

ablaze with God’s dream.

Dominic walked the way,

reaching out to new frontiers,

with steady torch of truth held high,

steeped in prayer night and day,

releasing streams of hope and light.

An unexpected future

lies in wait for those who live

deeply rooted and formed by the Word,

watered by God’s abundant grace,

daily living Dominic’s dream

Pentecost People,

Preachers of Grace in our time,

beaming the blessings of a faithful God.

What is your dream and what part will you play in it?



Dominican Preaching Archive

Preaching is at the heart of the Dominican vocation. The Dominican Leadership Conference claims for all members of the Dominican Family the right to preach, and commits itself to the struggle this claim entails. The injustices of our day compel us to place the charism of preaching at the service of the poor and powerless. The Dominican prophetic message, rooted in experience, study and prayer, will move both preachers and hearers of the word to act for the transformation of oppressive structures. The Conference on its part will act corporately, confronting evil with the Gospel and working for the construction of a just world order.

We embrace the mission of preaching for justice with a commitment to act in collaboration with one another and all those with and among whom we minister

------Dominican Leadership Conference

(The latest additions are shown first.  Click on an article title below to view it.)

• A Call to Light the World With Truth •
• A Harvest of Thanksgiving •
• Blessed Are the Peacemakers •
• Dominic's Daring Dream •
• Dominic, Preacher of Grace •
• Inside Darkness - The Film •
• Acquiring Legal Status Under Fedral Immigration Law •
• Living With Integrity •
• Preaching Participation •
• Reclaiming the Gift of Prophetic Preaching •
• The Call And the Challenge To Address Racism •
• United Nations •

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