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Dear "Preacher’s Exchange" Subscriber,


To improve our service to you we will be transferring the "First Impressions" “Volume 2" and “Homilias Dominicales” reflections lists to a new web server. The new software (Mailman software) on that server will enable you to directly control your subscription and its options. There are a number of other features on this new server which will provide new possibilities for "Preacher's Exchange" and its services.

You will receive a Welcome Message that will give you information on how to configure your subscription.

To unsubscribe email me at 

As before you may also email me any questions or requests and I will do my best to get to them weekly. "Fr. John J. Boll, O.P." <>

I apologize for any inconvenience in this move, the old server is beginning to malfunction and is being retired.

Remember you can always access our publications at

Thank you,
Fr. John Boll, O.P.


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