General Intercessions
Fifth Sunday of Lent
April 6, 2025

Presider: Throughout the history of salvation our God has proven God is the God who liberates us from what enslaves us. In commissioning the prophets, Moses the receiver of the Law, and in sending his son to conquer death itself we have a God who cares for us with an infinite love. With confidence, then, let us offer our prayers to the Lord.

Deacon/ Lector/ Cantor: Please respond: “Lord, hear our prayer”


1.That Pope Francis regains full health and productivity as he leads the Church in liberating the world from greed, avarice, violence, and self- serving leadership, we pray

2. That Bishop ______, clergy, consecrated religious, and laity teach the liberation of the young, adults, and seniors from what holds their hearts and minds captive, we pray

3. That the faithful refrain from judging public sinners, those who are slaves to poverty, and those who have no one to love them, we pray

4. That first responders, medical professionals, educators, and social service workers serve all with healing and liberating service regardless of appearance, social standing, language, or education, we pray

5. That military personnel may respect one another and work to liberate the oppressed and lack the necessities for human life, we pray

6. That migrants fleeing violence, persecution, and lack of social and economic possibilities are welcomed to new opportunities. That the tradition of Judeo-Christian tradition give rise to a commitment to care for the widow, the orphan, and the alien in our midst we pray

7. That political parties focus their energies on the common good of all in our country without regard for social status, wealth, or productive ability, we pray

8. That those who died this past week (list here) and those approaching death’s door are encouraged by faith and welcomed by Jesus. That the intention of this Mass, (list here) _________ is (are) remembered in our prayers, we pray

9. That our parish community is aware and supportive in prayer and works all persons in the OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults), we pray

10. Let us raise to God our needs and concerns of hand, mind, and heart: (pause) Let us place these intentions on the altar with the financial gifts we offer for the needy of our community, we pray


Presider: Father, our Creator, provides us with intelligence and a spirit of respect and support for the common good of everyone we encounter. Soften the hardness of our hearts and he stiffness of our necks as we commit to living your liberating love, and continual support to helping all creation flourish, we ask this in the name of your Son, Christ our Lord and example.

Response: Amen.