Each week Dennis Keller is posting General Intercessions for the upcoming Sunday liturgies. He is a lay Dominican from the Raleigh/Durham area of North Carolina. He also provides weekly input for our feature Volume II. General Intercessions Twenty Fifth Sunday of Ordered Time September 22, 2024 Presider: Strengthened and nourished by the Spirit let us offer our needs and anxieties to the Father.
Deacon/ Lector/ Cantor: Please respond: “Lord, hear our prayer.”
1. That the Spirit kindle the hearts and minds of Pope Francis, Bishop _____, and spiritual leaders a spirit of compassion, appreciation, and love for the persons they serve, we pray...
2. That the people in the Church strive to set aside grudges, feuds, and competition for status as a sign of love of God and of Neighbor, we pray...
3. That the dignity and value of each person encountered be supported by our faith community, we pray...
4. That jealousy and envy in our community be replaced by a celebration of the achievements and contributions of our members, we pray...
5. That violence arising from hatred and unbridled competition among individuals, communities, faith traditions, and countries be overcome by respect for the dignity and support for the flourishing of others, we pray...
6. That professions who enforce the rule of law may be motivated in that work by compassion and find methods and ways of maintaining order and a welcoming community, we pray...
7. That who died this past week and those who will die this coming week be cared for by family and healers including the sacraments of viaticum, anointing, and apostolic blessing, we pray....
8. That the intentions of this mass (state the intention) be included in all our prayers this day, we pray...
9. Let’s take a moment to remember our personal needs. (pause) Within our hearts, let each place those needs on the altar with the other gifts. May these be joined with the Body of Christ, we pray....
Presider: Gracious and compassionate Father, consider these our prayers and provide each of us with assistance you choose as best for each. We ask this in the name of Jesus who lives with you forever and ever.
Response: Amen.
"Blessings on your preaching." (The latest are always listed first.)
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