FAITH BOOK 26th SUNDAY (B) September 29, 2024
Numbers 11: 25-29;
Psalm 19; Jude Siciliano, OP Mini-reflections on the Sunday scripture readings designed for persons on the run. “Faith Book” is also brief enough to be posted in the Sunday parish bulletins people take home. From today’s Gospel reading:
“If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off....
Jesus tells us to cut off a hand, or foot, or pluck out an eye if they cause us to sin. We get the point – don’t we? Sin is serious, not just for us, but for the community. One person might sin; but the whole community suffers – especially “the little ones” – those whose faith is vulnerable. He’s calling us to make whatever changes we must to live his life, He knows making serious change can be as painful as cutting off a limb. So, he is here to encourage and enable us.
So, we ask ourselves:
• What necessary changes must I make now to follow Jesus more closely? • What’s holding me back? • Do I believe he will be there to help me, once I determine to do something?
Click here for a link to this Sunday’s readings: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/092924.cfm
FAITH BOOK ARCHIVE: (The latest are always listed first.)
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